I can’t express the truth I find in this statement. As a researcher and writer of history, I get lost in the search. Sometimes, friends or relatives say, “GET WRITING!” But I love the sojourn of finding and learning so much the I wallow in its security. Sometimes, like right now, I make promises to return to my desktop “to begin” my new story as soon as I get whatever finished. As of this minute, I am in the cleaning and re-organizing process of my computer room. The dust is thick, the papers are stacked high, the room with that overpowering blinking blank screen is hard to find. I know and appreciate all those who have helped me on this journey–my sister, my husband, my children, their wives, the grandchildren, my friends, and followers. Although defeat is a word I don’t mention, except when dieting, I will soon get back on that lonely trail to find my truth again.
I’ll be selling and signing my books at the Perfectly Unique Arts and Crafts Fair this upcoming weekend, Oct. 12. Come out in the mess of rain and SNOW to pick up some early Christmas presents. From 10-3 at the St Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center, downtown St. Cloud, MN, I’ll be sitting at my table waiting for you.

This is a picture of young Lloyd Laughton in front of the Boutwell Hardware Store. Maude Porter is upstairs in her millinery store, creating her hats and wondering how long she can keep watch over the drunks going in and coming out of Quinn’s Saloon across the street. Read all about it in PINS & NEEDLES. My other books, SCRUPLES & DRAMS, and AROUND CLEARWATER, will be there as well.