Teacher, Writer, and Journalist

May be an image of owl, jewelry and textThank you so much, J’s Junction, for sharing the picture again. The desk and my books signify so much for me. In 3rd grade, during a Social Studies lesson, in Mrs. Oatman’s class at Clearwater Elementary School (or was it Clearwater Public School? Someone from Clearwater, let us know), I was inspired to become a teacher, writer, and journalist.

Clearwater School and Congregational Church

During a Social Studies lesson, our class opened brand-new textbooks with audio-visual aids for the teacher. I’ll never forget reading and watching a film on children/students worldwide learning to read, write, and learn about other people doing all sorts of work to make a living.

As I sat at that wooden desk, remarkably similar to the one below, the world of opportunities first opened to me. One British scene showed women teaching young children. Another showed a woman reporter, donning a hat that read “PRESS.” And because I was also reading one of my favorite authors, Laura Ingalls Wilder, I knew I wanted to write like her.

It was years before I realized it all came together for this once-country girl. First came marriage, then the baby carriage, followed by teaching high school English–literature and composition, journalism, and advising the school newspaper. I finally rounded out my career by accepting an English position teaching college transferrable classes.

All along, I had seriously taken up pen and finally laptop to complete what I had imagined when I was 8 or 9. I’ve written poetry, essays, histories, and now, I am on year 9, working on my Minnesota Main Street Women’s series, gladly, excitedly, and proudly promoting the latest book, “Where Two Rivers Meet.”

The trilogy focuses on one real woman per novel who lived in Clearwater, had a vision for her life, and faced challenges but always led by example to help others, men and women, make the most of those challenges they faced.

As I’ve said many times before, the women and most of the characters are true, and I’ve researched much about the history of the times, read many of the old newspapers that mention my protagonists and others in the area. Most details are true–but may not have happened exactly as written and may not have happened to a certain individual. As a fiction writer, I can do that.

Abigail Robinson Camp Porter fills the position of protagonist in “Where Two Rivers Meet,” a prequel to the other two novels in the Minnesota Main Street Women series. She, too, takes charge of her life after she is given an opportunity to make a change. She encounters many obstacles, and yes, even a giant or two or three. (Please email me if you have questions about this. My research proves this phenomenon.) Her position in the community broadens and deepens as she is honored as the First Woman of Clearwater.https://author.amazon.com/books

I had nearly forgotten that childhood dream of becoming a teacher, journalist, and writer, until I looked back down the path I’d walked. I really don’t know how it all happened—but I bet you have a similar story to tell.

Finally, the school desk is a hint toward my next woman protagonist. She was a contemporary of Jennie Phillips and Maude Porter. She, (bet you figured it out) became a teacher. Oh, the history she had before she was born and the history she made afterwards! I’ll keep you informed as I go along.

My August is packed with busy, exciting events.
Aug 3– Clearwater Heritage Days 10-2 https://www.facebook.com/events/498211524260628/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark_search%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D
Aug 10–Hackensack Art and Book Festival 9-3 https://www.northwoodsartscouncil.org/ (look at the advertising they’ve done for this event.)
Aug 15–Clearwater Rejoice Lutheran Church 11-2 Young @ Heart
Aug 17–Buffalo Chamber Arts and Crafts Festival 9-3:30 https://www.buffalochamber.org/event/arts-craft-festival (Son and artist Todd Stupnik is joining me ).
Aug 25–Millstream Arts Festival 11-5 https://www.millstreamartsfestival.org/

Ol’ Man River event

Soon, (THURSDAY, July 18, 2024) I’ll be setting up at the Munsinger/Clemens Gardens – for its yearly Art Fair in the Gardens. Such beautiful flowers, trees, shrubs, and many different water features are set up by the slow-moving Mississippi River, flowing south to the Gulf of Mexico in Louisianna.

Path along the Mighty Misssissippi in Clearwater where steamboats docked.

I was raised near Old Man River. It has my heart and soul and is part of every book I’ve written except for “Steppes to Neu-Odessa,” about the first German Russians to come to the Midwest and settle in Yankton County, Dakota Territory. My second book was a college work, “Postcards from the Old Man,” a sort of memoir of living on Warner Lake and near the great river that I realized while I was away from my water routes, I still felt the Mississippi flowing in my veins. But I chuckle at others who read the title and snicker, thinking I am referring to my father–or worse–frown as I assume they think the title is showing disrespect to him. Of course, it isn’t. It’s more of a coming-of-age story.

“All Around Clearwater” and the Minnesota Main Street Women series, “Scruples & Drams, “Pins & Needles,” and my latest, hot off the press, “Where Two Rivers Meet,” exhibit the strength, courage, and wisdom each of my protagonists feels as they rely on the infamous river’s power to help them make life-changing decisions.

Daughter of the Middle Border – Cynthia Frank-Stupnik (cynthiafrankstupnik.com)

Don’t forget, July 18, 2024, Munsinger-The Munsinger/Clemens Gardens – The Jewel of St. Cloud, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.  1515 Riverside Dr SE, Saint Cloud, MN 56304

I’ll leave you with this wonderful song from “Showboat,” “Ol’ Man River” https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=old%20man%20river%20videos&FORM=VDQVAP&mid=A6DE485C76DA5D8E30E3A6DE485C76DA5D8E30E3&view=detail&ru=%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dold%20man%20river&rvsmid=E4277E4DB06BEF6014C7E4277E4DB06BEF6014C7&ajaxhist=0