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I’ve talked about my grandmother before. She was a teacher and earned her first certificate in Iowa not far from where she lived in Bassett, Iowa. She moved to Minnesota in the late 19 teens when she joined the rest of her family that had moved to Sartell. In order to teach, she had to retake some classes at the St. Cloud Normal School to become recertified before teaching first out in Watkins, MN, and finally at Watab (her name is listed on the school walls where it is now located in the Benton County Fairground).
Before she left Iowa though, Grandma also made history when she attended and played organ for the Little Brown Church in the Vale at Nashua, Iowa. Her name is on the honor roll of organists who served the church.…
For every family gathering on the Potter/Johnson side, Thanksgiving, Christmas, weddings, and funerals, our family sings, THe Church in the Wildwood,” a tribute to our joint heritage.
Two pictures below: Frank-Stupnik wedding day 1971 in Clearwater, MN (my maiden name for those who do not know is Frank and I married a Frank).
One teacher to the other FUTURE teacher: I remember her hand gestures. Grandma is aiming to give me a kiss. Of course, that is my new husband, Frank. The next picture is the Little Brown Church in Nashua, Iowa. And of course, the last picture of Grandma on her graduation day.
Do you have family landmarks? Where are they? I’m sure my audience on Facebook and Instagram would love to know.
My next selling and signing event is June 15 in Avon. I will be attending for the first time Avon’s Spunktacular Days. From 9-3 I’ll be in or near the park where Garrison Keillor will be attending and speaking. I hope I get a moment to see him! Fingers crossed.[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark_search%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D
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